February 11-12, 2003
Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie
Bundesstraße 55, Geomatikum
D-20146 Hamburg
The following program establishes links to the material presented at the symposium.
This material is protected by copyright which remains with the authors of the individual contributions.
Tuesday, February 11, 2003
9:00 Welcome and technical announcements
9:10 S. Slanina: Aerosols, the root of all air pollution evils.
9:40 H. Grassl: The role of aerosols in the climate system.
10:10 Coffee
10:30 J. Bösenberg: EARLINET, methods and instruments.
11:00 V. Matthias: Quality assurance.
11:30 C. Böckmann: Retrieval of microphysical parameters from lidar observations.
12:00 G. Pappalardo: Lidar ratio statistics and relation to microphysics.
12:30 Lunch and posters.
14:30 G. Jennings: Measurement of aerosols within GAW.
15:00 D. Tanre: Aerosol retrieval from space.
15:30 J. Pelon: Active remote sensing of aerosol and clouds from space in the CALIPSO mission.
15:45 A. Ansmann: Active remote sensing of aerosol and clouds from space in the EARTH-CARE mission.
16:00 Coffee
16:30 M. Wiegner: EARLINET and Satellites: Partners for Aerosol Observations.
17:00 G. Chourdakis: Lidar Technology: commercial development and applications in the field of aerosol monitoring.
17:30 J. Pelon: Temporal cycles in the aerosol distribution.
18:00 Poster session
Wednesday, February 12, 2003
8:30 D. Balis: Aerosol influence on the UV radiation budget.
9:00 A. Papayannis: Saharan dust outbreaks towards Europe: 3 years of systematic observations.
9:30 S. Nickovic: Saharan dust outbreaks: modeling.
10:00 Coffee
10:30 V. Matthias: Statistics of aerosol optical parameters.
11:00 Y. Balkanski: The role of aerosol in atmospheric chemistry.
11:30 M. Memmesheimer: Regional Scale Modeling of the Atmospheric Aerosol: Developments, Applications, Evaluation.
12:00 Lunch and posters.
14:00 U. Wandinger: Aerosol modification over Europe.
14:30 J. Pelon: Differences between rural and urban aerosol observations.
15:00 T. Trickl: Long range transort of aerosol.
15:30 J. Bösenberg: Summary and future perspectives.
16:00 Adjourn