EARLINET 72h operativity exercise dataset

The EARLINET 72h operativity exercise dataset contains the lidar products automatically generated by the SCC (Single Calculus Chain) for the IOP period: 9 July 2012 at 06:00 UT - 12 July at 06:00 UT.

During this IOP, 11 EARLINET stations performed coordinated and continuous measurements in the Mediterranean area.


- EARLINET 72h Dataset request

The dateset is freely available and can be obtained sending a request bye-mail to: giuseppe.damico@imaa.cnr.it.

 The e-mail should report as subject: "EARLINET 72h dataset request" and it should contain the following mandatory information:

* full name

* complete affiliation

* e-mail

* phone number

Moreover you should confirm that you accept the data policy reported below adding the following line in the requesting e-mail: "In requiring the EARLINET 72h dataset, I declare to accept the data policy reported on EARLINET web page for the specific dataset."

Requests without the above declaration will be not taken into account.

Please, specify in the email text if you do NOT like to be notified about the release of new version of this dataset.


- EARLINET 72h Data Policy

Recommended guidelines for EARLINET 72h exercise dataset use and publication:


Using EARLINET 72h dataset

The dataset is public and open and it can used by the applier without restrictions. Anyway the dataset should NOT be redistributed to third parts.

The dataset can be obtained only by making individual request following the instruction available on EARLINET web site (https://www.earlinet.org).


Publishing EARLINET 72h dataset

In general, when data from the EARLINET Database are used in a publication, we request the following acknowledgment to be included:

"The authors acknowledge EARLINET for providing aerosol lidar profiles available from the EARLINET webpage. The financial support for EARLINET in the ACTRIS Research Infrastructure Project by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 654109 and previously under the grants no. 262254 in the 7th Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) and no 025991 in the 6th Framework Programme (FP6/2002-2006) is gratefully acknowledged."

In addition, for this specific dataset we request the following publications to be cited:

1) Sicard, M. et al.: EARLINET: potential operationality of a research network, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, 4587-4613, doi:10.5194/amt-8-4587-2015, 2015.

2) D'Amico, G. et al.: EARLINET Single Calculus Chain - overview on methodology and strategy, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, 4891-4916, doi:10.5194/amt-8-4891-2015, 2015.